The Apple iPad finally made its debut earlier today at a glitzy show hosted by Mr. Jobs. With natural curiosity, I was reading all the chatter about the iPad all over the web. My first impressions were that it is a fabulously sleek device, a giant iPod Touch, a KDK (Kindle-DX Killer .. Kindle 2, don't you worry, no threats yet!), and has entered at a great price point (though I can bet twenty that it will drop a good fifty bucks within 4 months of release).
Some initial reactions from around the Web:
"When Apple named their tablet... Did they think of the jokes that could be made? iPad? Really? Make a larger screen & call it the iMaxiPad"
"iTampon | Twitter Users Get Snarky Over Apple iPad Tablet Name"
"The iPad? Also available with wings?"
On a serious note, it is still a fabulous device. Time will tell if this one can help turn around the fortunes of tablet computing+entertainment devices or if it will be another damp squib. But there is not doubt that it has raised the bar for all the other players out there trying to nibble at the tablet+eReader+pocket computing device pie.