Driving through this 20-mile single-lane stretch of blind turns was completely crazy and pure adrenaline – towering mountain on one side and a few thousand feet cliff-drop on the other directly to the Pacific waters. A landslide a few miles ahead on our planned route on Day-3 prompted us to circle the mountains, drive through a military base (Ft. Hunter Liggett .. we stopped right in the middle of the base to change the little one's diaper!), splash through two rivers with knee-deep water, and then climb up and down the granite mountains south of Big Sur. A full 4 hour detour across the mountains brought us back to the point on Route 1 where we would have normally been in 10 minutes but for the landslide. I kept questioning whether the (mis)adventure was worth it till a couple of days ago when my wife forwarded this CNN article by another traveler who took the same route and had the good sense to document it. http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/06/01/newnam.big.sur/index.html?hpt=hp_bn12 … well!