Tuesday, June 08, 2004


so there .. a warm toast to the 3 years we've been using wingies97! i just happened to stumble upon this stuff last weekend and found it pretty interesting due to multiple reasons - it's simplicity, it's robustness which is proven by the number of blogs lying around the web, and the very idea of having an open publishing space available on the net so that people can collaborate in teams ..

but what beats me is this --> this blogger stuff was acquired by google recently for a very high undisclosed amount .. that's fine .. but how different is this from egroups? okay, it allows a push-button publishing interface and a few other cool stuff like skins and presentation .. but i don't see the difference! is it adding any other value to web-based publishing or activities? well, not really .. so i ask myself if this is just another egroups? are people still making money by repeating/rewriting napsters? if yes, what the heck are we doing lying around not doing anything??!


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