Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It's been snowing since two days. There's at least 6-8 inches outside at the moment. Scared to venture out .. I saw this lady this morning trying to pull her car out of the apartment parking lot. There was so much of snow around that her car was going almost sideways! She almost gave up after a few attempts. Then a few good people came and gave her car a nice big push and onto to the main road! I have a video of what happened. Will post it sometime later. I know you must be thinking .. "What an a** .. Taping the car rather than going and helping the lady out!" .. But then, it's way too cold outside. Not me .. Sorry!

Just spoke with my sis-in-law. She was going to work in her bus as usual this morning on I-95 near NYC and lo ... This car from the next lane skids across, turns halfway around and stops in front of her bus! The guy in the car thankfully didn't die of shock .. he just put his face in his hands and shrieked! The bus was going very slow anyway (10 mph on NJTP!) and stopped in time.

My office has shut down for the day. Working (so-called) from home. It's good to be home on Val-day with wifey dear, tickets to "Music and Lyrics" as a surprise for her in the evening, the white clad lawn outside and this big mug of steaming coffee in hand! Ah Heaven!

New Blogger

Heyy I just upgraded from the Old Blogger to the new version. Yet to explore all its new features. But at first sight, it looks good! Google seems ot have taken care not to screw up any of my template formatting or content. Then, I feel that it's much faster than the previous ones (or is it just my internet connection?). Then the template drag-drops are quite cool. You should check it out ..


First things first. There's been a reason for my absence from blogger these past few months .. a good one. I had been studying my a** off for my GMAT and MBA admissions. Two months of hardcore prep for the exam and I managed a pretty cool score. Another two months of introspection, soul-searching or call it just plain bull, and I was pretty much set with my essays and references for the apps. Sent in my apps to four schools - Chicago GSB, CMU, Wharton and Columbia. Already been accepted at CMU. Have interviewed at the GSB. And waiting for the adcom folks at Wharton and Columbia to warm up to my essays!

Now isn't that a good excuse for not being active around here?