Wednesday, July 07, 2004


So, here I was, fresh like a cuppof coffee and cruising the few miles to Sankey from my home. Everything seemed normal except the time - it was 5 in the morning. Not once in the last i-wonder-how-many years have I seen this unearthly time of the day, except, of course, returning from The Club or elsewhere after a night-out.

I hadn't been sleeping well, in spite of having taken multiple ceterizines to put me into slumber. Traveling across the globe does this to you. So, I was cruising I said. Yeah. Reaching Sankey at that odd hour, I was surprised to see I had company. A handful of people had already started on their morning strolls around the now beautifully made lake and the joggers' track that runs round it. It's a sight to behold on misty mornings. Specks of humans walking along the periphery of the glistening water! The sun's rays through Sadashivnagar's trees crisply touching the surface .. I suppose it's the closest you can get to nature in the midst of the fastest growing city in Asia.

I took a quick jog to the far end of the lake and stopped for breath. By now, a few hundred people had appeared from nowhere and were going about their routine morning walk. No pets allowed here, thankfully. Just stray dogs here and there, marking territory or chasing others of their kin. Jogging back at a lazy pace to the entrance of the park, I did a few fake exercises, all the while eyeing the cheese(!) and admiring the beauty around.

A stone's throw away is the Sadashivnagar Park, a one of its kind park in the city. Aesthetically made up, this park is managed by a body of the locality's residents. It's a pay-and-use facitlity. A pretty nice example of how a little bit of involvement and interest from civilians can make a difference to the city's landscape.

I've been going there regularly now. It's something I look forward to in the mornings. Wonder how long it'll last, the novelty-seeking type that I am. But when it is around, it's almost as good as it can get!

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