Saturday, October 16, 2004


Till a few years ago I was a young lad unknowing of the ways of the world and the way they change a person's outlook. I ain't too old now, but I've seen some of it at least and I understand quite a bit.

I was reading some old mails this morning. Some 3-4 years old ones. From college/insead/sape. All from friends. Purrfect nostalgia! It's amazing how old memories and feelings linger on. But the strange thing is how the sweet ones, though they linger, can slide off with the slightest shake. They are like dewdrops on a blade of grass! But the ones that you really like to forget stay on for years to come. Pull 'em, prod 'em, shake 'em. They will not budge! Like cobwebs. Like leeches. Eeks! Ain't that strange?

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