Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Why Blog?

Somebody asked me the other day - Why Blog? He was looking into these pages, and gave me a queer look and asked "Why Blog at all? What does it give you?"

Hmm .. Good question. A wise somebody once told me (was it my previous boss? i don't think so; can't be; he's not that type :) ) the meaning of "Good question" in meetings is an implicit "I don't know!" And he used to use it a whole freakin' lot. Always.

To me blogging provides a simple means of expression. I personally don't care who reads this or why, though I'd like somebody to read it. This kind of creative, dont-give-a-damn-for-anything freedom can be provided only by a medium as open and carefree as the Net, especially when big brother is watching your every move (keystroke?!). In here I sometimes write that I'm very happy I got married. And sometimes I groan about the apathetic attitude of people around, the government notwithstanding. Sometimes I pick wisecracks from other places - newspapers, websites - and paste them here, of course with due credits to the source :) .. At others, I write something that pops up in my mind just to please my wife. All in all, this place is a must visit every now-n-then for me.

Coming back to this somebody's question, it's not that I expect anything out of this. It's a vent to my feelings. It's more of a giving (get ridding?) than expecting, though historically (I mean the last couple of years .. how long has the Net been around anyways!) blogs have been a force to reckon with when it comes to forming and gathering public opinion. I remember reading an article, probably in The TIME Magazine, about how blogs were responsible for hurting President Bush's campaign, and how bloggers have amassed huge wealths by writing their minds out. All that's there, but not for me I suppose. I'm happy I'm writing. And that's pretty much it!

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