Wednesday, September 07, 2005


When it comes to understanding nature, man has been like a baby all through history. Just the way a baby constantly keeps looking around taking every bit of detail about every little thing around it with wide-eyed amazement, constantly grasping things and feeling them, hearing a multitude of sounds and trying to decipher what each one means, so has man been striving through the ages to comprehend the vastness and depths of nature. From making the wheel to growing paddy to the industrial revolution to the space age and information technology, man has been sitting around, arms stretched out, picking up pebbles and blades of grass with curiosity, understanding what they are and putting them to his use, making gadgets and processes that benefit his kind.

This is amazing, if one considers what a conscious mass of neurons can achieve - right from becoming self-sustaining to making strides in a natural progression towards survival and enhancement. Glitches are a normal part of this progression. Be it colonization, Hiroshima, Chernobyl or clones. But that should not, and believe me, will not, stop this consciousness from marching along a path never seen or imagined before. It is Iraq today, tomorrow when we exhaust the resources around us, it will Mars or beyond. There seems no end to it. This leads us to a number of questions .. From the simple 'Is this the way Life should be?' and 'Is there no end to this?' to a more interesting one - 'Was Life itself a bad idea in the first place?!' .. These are lines along which sages have thought and can think further. There can be arguments, philosophies and schools of thought surrounding these questions, but there will never be answers. Answers which are absolute, steadfast and uncompromisingly complete.

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