Monday, June 14, 2004

Reagan - take 2

I was watching this talk show hosted on NBC on Friday. The chap is sort of funny - nowhere close to Jay Leno of course, but he can make some people in the background laugh, if you know what I mean!

So, I was watching this show. He was blabbering off - well, that's what these guys get paid for - about Reagan and his Reign, commenting about how much media exposure the whole issue of Reagan's death was getting. It was a lot of hype that CNN and CBS and a bunch of other news-hungry studios were broadcasting all through the week. About 8 hours of the day were being dedicated to the issue. I wonder if the so-called War on Terror got so much exposure.

He showed a clip of about a hundred people mourning. Funny thing was they were nowhere near the coffin that was on public display. In fact they were nowhere near the city where it was kept. All they were doing was passing solemnly in a line in front of a huge TV in which some channel was covering the mourning ceremony and placing wreaths in front of the TV! Ridiculous! I mean, is there a limit to which these people will not go?!

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