Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Yahoo! Vs GMail

I got this mail from Yahoo! this morning saying they will start providing a massive 100MB mailbox from Jun 15th. This, clearly, is in response to Google's GMail beta going alpha shortly. I am thrilled to bits! Not because, GMail is here, but there won't be any more headaches of cleaning up every fortnight and wondering which mail got in and which bounced off my ever overflowing Yahoo mailbox :)

Talk of competition!

A couple of reviews on GMail:
"Even in its current, early state, available only to a few thousand testers, Gmail appears destined to become one of the most useful Internet services since Google itself. ... Gmail is infinitely cleaner, faster, more useful, more efficient, less commercial and less limiting than other Web-based e-mail services. Once Gmail goes live, Hotmail and Yahoo won't know what hit them."
~ NY Times - May 13 2004

"I finally got to play around and discover the various features of Gmail. Here's a small list of my findings ...
1.Javascript hacks makes it very fast and easy to use.
2.Trying to navigate out of an unsent message triggers an 'Are you sure you want to discard the message?' alert.
3.E-mail snippet makes it very easy to browse through messages.
4.Keyboard shortcuts are absolutely the best thing Gmail has offered. They ROCK if you are a hardcore unix user.
5.Personal level indicators' feature is a great one, indicating if a message is sent only to you or to a bunch of people.
6.Starring (tagging) messages is fast. Something like what Orkut uses to rank your friends.
7.Wow! The fastest and the most sophisticated email spell checker in the world. It's like running your spell checking application on your machine!"
8.Address completion.


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